مرحبا بكم في مدونتي المرشدة الطلابية في المتوسطة الثلاثون

الخميس، 20 يناير 2011

Cup of coffee

Cup of coffee

When your sun conquered my soul, I smiled and my heart shined, I asked for a cup of coffee
I told my friend: I feel relaxed
My friend’s face was searching around
؟!Where is the cup
When the waiter brought the cup, he was happy and over pleased. I was astonished and I wondered why. But, my astonishment vanished away when I glimpsed your face in the cup. I rushed in your flow and harmony. My friend laughed and I laughed too
He told me, pointing to the cup, your coffee misses you
I told him: My life is poured in it
I stabbed my chest with my pen, and I wrote with coffee love words. My chest rebelled and triggered my desire. I read some love words to my friend, but he understood nothing of what I spelt; only words understand words
He said: maybe your meaning lies there, pointing to the cup
I said: yes, the meaning is not in the words
He said: Jalal in the café so Jalal in the cup?! It’s all about concepts. Aren’t we objects? We apply objects on objects, and then we have love where the heart and soul live


He pondered at the cup and smiled saying: there is love in my cup. I laughed wondering how love can live inside coffee. I said: your coffee has a desire. He was pale and afraid, he spoke without uttering. I could not understand, I wondered pointing to the cup of coffee: Is there love inside this cup? He replied: my love is much bigger
Then I understood that my friend is piling dreams over dreams to see his beloved’s face reflected on a cup of coffee. I told him about how things may get generated inside a cup
I pinched him that he is in a dream, and the face of the cup pinched me too, he glimpsed it
He said: My prime of youth is inside it; us, our dreams and illusions


A female is inside me
A female who invaded me from the nowhere, from his heart, mind or soul I don’t know. I really don’t know
She overwhelmed me, and he pondered and smiled telling his friend: look at the face of the cup
While she flowed inside the cup, for its sake and cause, and I flowed too
We remained inside, we remained inside the cup
We feed the cup a banquette of love 

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